
I was with you last night

all night long

and I'll be willing to bet

that you never even realized

you were quite well loved

you smiled at me so very sweetly

even as I let you gently fall back

into reality

out of ecstasy's tender warp

you didn't look the least bit tired

at all

in fact

you rather looked at peace

and complete

just like you looked in my mind

long before I ever even knew you

before even when Riyadh was was just

a place to me where our boys were

stationed during the Gulf War

you know

that's 'Fate, My Love'

or may I be so bold as to say

That's love my fate!

I am not so sure of my place

so, I'll leave it up to you

to choose for us both...........

(Sept. 24, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for M.A.K.

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