
with some modicum of revelation

this night's haunted light

bows to go

like a spontaneous spring shower

abandoning the bold investment of

embittered darkness

and for such moisture's appeal

the earth then rises

to meet her once favorite

all encompassing lover

the Rain

the Breeze's own worst jealous


for languid vegetation's lush

innocent zeal

both quarrel so bitterly

sweet hurricane

so not to abstain from her thirsty attentions

ah, that benevolent beast love

in turn slices up for its greedy self

its own tasty seasons

for a much more frank and obvious universal


there are far too many morbid endeavors still

out there

stitching fingers back together

that much too prematurely pointed

at wrongs that did not yet wish to pay

their dastardly dues

so it would seem

that even one's own simple act of merely breathing

sometimes disturbs the tide of one's imprisoned


yet, its almost comforting to know now

though not near so clearly as all would like

that there really are no true doors or walls

in Heaven

its we as humans

who make them up in our narrow imperfect minds


where there is no door

no lock

of course then

its to be expected

that there is no appropriated key

well, all sits quite the rather well

here in this newly made up mind

of me................

(Oct. 21, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

elements and emotions........

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