there are winds of various colors
that scatter across
many a splendid sky
a bright line traverses
this unshadowable sphere
near such gaze less perfection
a lone windmill
lounges regally
atop the spilling horizon's grid
I call this enchanting edifice of flesh
with heart wide open
and heat
a flashing myriad
of love
with friendship extending
so beautifully deep
such depth
such breath
such pulse
and song
such music he emits
to give away so selflessly
to this errant goddess poet
supplying strength reaffirmed
within herself to wonder on
a calm unblemishable gift has he
peace hugging blessed spirit
veiled in limited humanity
such shameless Sikh prince is the
sharing his sweet thoughts
with one who's counterpart wisdom
is so anxious to receive them
for such generous bridging to the
core of your naturally loving
gentleness and patience
with the flush acceptance of my
ever extended hand
as I shall always welcome this
latest return
of your gracious appearance into
my so very necessary existence......