THE PASSIVE ABUSE(less obvious racism)


beyond all madness lies a forest of perfect calm

a traumatic time for all

some were warned not to say

the entire world was placed precariously on either edge

of one sweating palm

just a child's game that not everyone could without

a stomach for fairness play

pretend no barriers existed and no harsh realities were

brought down upon your head

never say,'Nigger Boy Tom Jones there is my friend'

and in public and home grown hatred never got any further fed

for decades upon years we've thought ourselves better

than our fellow co inhabitants whom we forced over

here shackled in chains

the same people we now all too politely call blacks

but when it came down to us being needed to stand up for them

our before supposed colored friends

at every turn we stabbed them in their backs

Jackie Del Shannon is famous for singing, 'What The

World Needs Now Is Love'

but if modern reality could speak for herself she'd say

'We Could All Use A Powerful Shove,

Into the arms of peace, brotherhood and eventual understanding'

I say give these battered people more than just merely what they need

give them along with the rest of this enraged country

what they're demanding

HOPE! for a better peace integrated tomorrow where racism is simply

a word found, buried somewhere in

a Webster's Dictionary.............

( written March 14, 1993 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how racism quietly and sometimes not so quietly still goes on today and how I find it absolutely intolerable to witness let alone continue to passively allow to keep happening.

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