
I am living in a place now that is so large it could

with but a single gulp swallow up my entire home town

the building I'm staying in even superman could not

clear with merely a single leap or bound

this is a good place to lose a dog an old Scotsman I

once knew would be likely to say

his full blown opinion of my naivety one could never

hope to sway

I'm small town caught up within my own lighthearted


I'm impossibly innocent of ill will and many of its

relative tricks

I tend to live in an overly emotional bubble and

sometimes in my forlorn face it bursts

crashing in on me and my own private little world

and I'm forced to experience new and many firsts

such a bold and abrupt interruption can instigate

a chilling chain of events that can only lead to

suspect and apparent further corruption

its yet even 11am and still I can't find my feet

to tell you where I am

I have most everything in my rusty and tilted soul

or all that is important and vital under lock and key

and carefully guarded control

wit- a substance obtained to help aid the inner

defense mechanisms

that was how it was originally intended

not to brow beat the underlings but reverse situations

that fall prey to going unmended

sometimes on my very mental well fare

this express able talent has depended

its an exhilarating feeling when you crack the whip

of a sharp tongue's wit

leaving you in control and feeling splendid

while leaving friend or foe feeling

'The Bite As It Bit'................

( written Jan 23,1992 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

a little clever word play or so I thought at the time! Well little is apt anyway I guess! laughs

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