
summer do go

and put an end to your hot stifling stay

a rather lengthy timid tide

spirits the spring time's gentle

blossoming all too quickly away

always a new

yet ever changing

the near theatrical stars dot the sky

so bright but careful in their celestial


slow years revel in the gales

as merriment prepares the reluctant piper

yet another instrument to play


feel the wet of mine generous tears

and meddle not

with their free unhindered trail

down these pale downy cheeks

the bloom of blush should be

well enough for your insidious thirst

these sorrow's drops hold no argument

with you

so dry them up not

deny yourself in such bursting haste

as all moisture of this green earth

is not yours to steal

these tears are mine

along side that which he who hath brought

them on

and not you nor yours

so do be kind in your 'Thwarted Pillage'

and allow us

my tears and I

to pass by


nor taken in

by your thoughtless siphoning rays

and restless scorn

my day has been bad enough already thank you

without you having to add yet more to its

further demise


send your henchman, the moon around to torture me

with its reminiscent glow of romantic fervor
and I would gladly

welcome I believe

such challenge and chance

to wish upon for a change

as heartache feels far better in the dark

than in the hated glare

of the harsh light of day..................

(Jan. 4, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

making the sun out as the bad guy on a terrible love lost day.

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