

out of N'Orleans

unleashing havoc

case closed

or so the proverbial THEY thought

yet more pages torn

wide and up close

burning for news

the media attempts

to knit a little happily ever after

where ever they can find it

out of a string of farces


in the face of death

unsmoking the smoking gun

left in the bad acts of inexperience

enduring to learn more about

the lies that stand so tall

before the issues

an apex of continuous controversy  

and back lash

in an altered america

elegant projects

the devlish heart of

much that has been lost

stolen or ruined

media's fast food for the masses

a consequence of devision among fear

insatiable moral tales

spun to dizzying heights

of real life

true home comfort carries such

an exhuberant cost

the narrow minded all knowing one

will soon enough learn this

serious behind closed door fact

you can only keep your poker face

on for so long

before your opponents see

its all an act

it always was

and then to them

you are just another joker

left holding some useless cards


(written March 16,2006 10pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

about the current political climate of the president and all the messes he keeps dipping himself and his party into. If it were not so sad it would be hysterically funny.

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