It was fun while it lasted
It was fun while it lasted
Meeting you was never
A waste of time. If anything
Getting to know you has been
A true blessing in my life!
Talking to you has made
Me see there’s guys out
There who are attracted to
Me and look past the CP or my
Wheelchair that has to go
Everywhere with me. I
Realize you’ll probably
Never want to talk to
Me ever again because
Of the gap in our age.
I know you’ll probably
Just see my as a
Child with raging
Hormones or just
A child looking for
Somebody to love me her
But that’s not true
At all I just enjoy
Your company,
Present, and grace!
I don’t know? what
The future holds for
Me or nobody? but I hope
No matter happens we
Can at least stay friends!
What I want for you
Most regardless of what
The future holds is
For you to find the woman
Right for you!
March 13th 2006