Repeat of bad memories
Repeat of bad memories
Please leave never come
Back to me. If you care
About me at all you’ll forever
Leave me be and let me find
Myself. So I won’t have no
Bad feelings toward people
That have done bad things
To me throughout my life,
And I wouldn’t be effected by
The hurtful things some
Say till this day and I
Would be able to roll away
From them with a smile
On my face! To be able to say
Haha you’ll never be able
To make a river of tears
Fall down my face ever
Again, the memories of
What all those has said to me
Has forever faded away
I hope I’ll be able to say
These words someday
And have the life I’ve
Always dreamt of having!
Filled with nothing but memories
Of happiness and love that’s what I
Dream of!
Mar 8th 2007