Last forever
In the time you’ve been Together I could really
See how much you love Each other by the way you Look at each other! I could tell you’ve Both had some bad Luck with your significant Others along the way but I Had a feeling from watching You both together and how well you Both get along with one Another! The fact that You never seem to have a harsh Word spoken between one another Told me that you would get married to Each other one day! Even Though I heard Steven say if he ever was to get married again it’ll be a long time to come I laughed to myself and thought that might be true until Ashley came into his life then I could tell By the way he looked At her he was hooked From the words hello What’s your name? It is my hope and Faith that each day You'll both look Into each other's eyes and fall in love all over again each night when you tell each other goodnight I hope and pray that your life together is filled with beautiful, memories and good times that will last forever!