Worried about my nanny

Worried about my nanny

My nanny is my

Aunt Clara because I

Couldn’t say Clara when

I was little so

She’ll always be

Nanny to me.

Her kidneys

Stop working on her

She’s has to take dialysis

3 times a weeks now. And she

Was just diagnosis with

RLS. Her legs

Won’t stop jerking

I just feel so helpless

Because they’re nothing

Nobody can do to help her.

I wish I could take her place

For her so that so she wouldn’t

Have to go through all this pain

And suffering. I wish more then

Anything her body could stand to

Have a kidney transplant  but her body can’t

They say her disease is not far gone.

So I ask everybody that loves me and

Cares about me please send up

A payer for my nanny pray that god

Will wave his magic wand to

Make my nanny feel better!

Jan 28th 2007

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