The test of love for you!
These pass couple weeks
Have brought a
Lot of great memories
Back to the surface
Of you and me! I’m
Truly sorry all this stuff is
Happing to you
Both! Just remember
Something good always
Comes out of something
Bad and the mistakes we
Make throughout our lifetime is a
Blessing hidden deep within that we
Sometimes don’t until the
End! Then it’s too late to
Go back and change things
And begin again! But truly
I hope all this will blow over
Soon enough you get the money
To move away to a better place!
The army will take you and you
Guys will be able to start again! all
I can say is this if you both love one
Another enough and it’s strong enough
It will see you guys through but this is a test of
Your love for you two from my view! I
Know I may sound crazy saying
These kind of things to you. But
I know 2 things for sure if Me &
You hasn’t cared enough to
Stick all the hard times in
School out we
Wouldn’t be the best of
Friends that we are today
As well as brother and sister
I hope you understand what I’m
Trying to say. I don’t expressing
And feeling out loud or to many
My computer is my favorite place
I love you I’m always here as you know!
Nov 15th 2006