Why want they let me be?
Why want they
Let me be me
Is the big question
For me? If they only
took the time
To see what life
Is like through
My life. I know
They would let
Me be, do
What I wanted
To do. and be who
I wanted to be
Without the lectures
From family. They
Wouldn’t try to break my
Spirits down with the
Discouraging and
Hurtful comments
They often make.
If they really offered
To see the bigger
Picture before
Me. With a
Condition such as
CP. They would understand
With this condition you
Try your best to seem
Like everybody else around
You. You try your best to sit
Up and be
Neat and clean With your food.
They would
That after
Sitting up
All day long.
You get tired
And you want to
Lean over while
You eat. Yes it’s
True it might not look
Good and you know it might
Seem as if you’re laying in your
Plate so to speak. But even though you’re
A little bit tired you’re still trying
To be neat and clean and not
Spill anything. Why can’t my uncle hub
See that’s all I’m trying to do?
And most of all just let me be
Aug 29th 2006,