Muscle relaxes

shawn's poems

Muscle relaxes

I hate having

To take them

But I have too

When I feel a

Seizure lurking

Around the corner

I know I must do

Something before

A seizure takes my


Grant it

The muscle

Relaxes help

Me but they

Also make me

Feel as though I’m

A zombie in

Somebody else’s

  body. Groggy

My eyes feel


I hate when

People see me like



It makes me feel

As though people will

Think I’m high

I just worry that if

People that come to

Visit will think mom

Has let me come

Drug dependant

And I don’t want

Them to perceive

Me or mom that way.

Regardless of

What I just had to say

The muscle

Relaxes help me


I just feel bad for

Those who have to

See me like this

July 10th 2006,


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