my love
I just read your
Blog for today
On my space
It made me sad
In every way.
I haven’t talk
To you in
2 days and I’m
Missing you
Like crazy as
Always! But
Then I thought
To Myself maybe
He found somebody
That makes him
But then
Your blog broke
My heart! As I
Reading your words
I thought how can he say
No girl loves him for him?
He knows I love him for
Him, and he’s been told
How I feel about him, and he
Knows I’ll always be friend
Him. He’s an angel with a
Kind heart and he should
Never feel for guilty about
Never being able to
Disrespect women in
Anyway. Although
I wish I could date
Him my heart is full
Of love for him! friends
With benefits is okay
With me. Or just being
Friends for the rest of days
Is okay with me. I understand
He probably doesn’t want to
Try and have a relationship
With a girl like me. Guys tell
Me I’m like a best friend to most
Of the male species, and that’s fine. just
With me. If he doesn’t want me
As a girlfriend. I’ll help him find a
Woman that will forever make him
Happy! Most of all she’ll
Forever be the woman of his dreams!