Ruth?s first day back!

Ruth?s first day back!

Ruth?s first day

Back sounds

Crazy and

Hard on her

Feet and back without

a doubt.

From the

Way it sounds

She knew her

First day back

Getting back in the

Swing of everything

Was going to be

harder on her then

She ever imagine it

To be. I feel bad

For women like her

Because they work

Hard and give the world

Their hearts

Everyday at everything.

Yet they realize

After a few hours

Their bodies aren?t

What they were back

In the earlier

Days. But that?s A

Okay if you ask me?

Without the hard

Working women of

This century

This  would?ve

Gone to same up in flames

with the hard

working women

of today! I decade  

These words to my

Girl Ruth and all the hard

Working women of today!

June 20th 2006

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