I need to make things right.
As I was sitting
Here writing you
An e-mail on mysace
Tears fill my eyes
Thinking about our
Falling outs of the past.
When I look back on
Them I wish I had
Just let all the
She said that about you
Stuff go. And that
Message that I left
On your cell go I
Shouldn’t have
Been so quick
To assume.
I should’ve waited
To find out for sure
If that was you or not?
That hung up on me
I should’ve been
More of woman
About it and just
Confronted you about
The issue. As I was
At my cousin’s birthday
Party! I thought I’ve got
Enough family issues
Around here with people
I’m the bad guy. I
Really need
To try to
Get that connection
Back with Nikki at least
She don’t make me
Feel like I’m an
Outsider as least
She makes me like I
Belong like I will always
Be apart of her no
Matter I do in life
Good, bad, happy
And sad. I need to
Try and make things
Right if she says no
I’ll understand if she says
She never
Wants to be friends again!
But I hope she knows
As I wrote these words tears
Are running down my face
And I’m truly sorry for
All the misunderstandings
And I hope she excepts me back
into Her life but if not at least
I’ll know I tried.
4 22ND 2006