What is a friend? Inspired by a poem in titled Friends Vs Acquaintances.,,

What is a friend? Inspired by a poem in titled Friends Vs Acquaintances.,,

A friend to me

Is 2 souls


And becoming

One. A true

Friend is being

There for you.

A true

Friend doesn’t

Ignore you or act  

as if you

Don’t exist

When there’s

A crowd  of people

Or a certain

Person around.

A true friend

Always speaks

To you.

A true is


There for you,

Listens to you

or make rude

Comments about


You say or do

Secrets are kept under

Lock and key

That’s the

Definition of a true

Friend to me!

An acquaintance

Has a different

Meaning of course

An Acquaintance is

A person you

Say hi! when

They past

You pass

You by or you

Meet them

On the street.

An acquaintance is

A person you talk

Once in a lifetime

Or you might see

Them a few times

Here and there.

You talk about

How nice, they were

Or how smart they

Seem to be,

Or what a

Great personality

Had that’s the

Meaning of

Acquaintance to me!

Aug 13th 2006,

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