I guess I’ll have to let you go

mystery guy

I guess I’ll have to let you go

I guess I’ll have to let you go

Even though I don’t

really want too

and I’ll really miss

talking to you!

I know it’s

The best thing

I could do

Even though it will

Hurt not to talk to you!

I really would have given

Anything if you would’ve ask me

To be your wife someday! But I guess

I horrified you too much for you to know

I loved you that much! So you push me away.

And made

Me feel like I was one of your many tricks  

And I truly think you’re a dick

I deserve much better then you

If you ask me any

Ways. So go away I hope

You find happiness in your

Life someday!

July 30th 2005

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the title speaks for itself

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