It’s seems like a nightmare

for allan

It’s seems like a nightmare

When heard

The words

Allan  had

been killed

All because

Some stupid

Was driving

Drunk I was in disbelieve.

I was speechless I couldn’t move

Speak I to myself this can’t

Happing it’s all just a bad dream it has to

This just can’t be?

It hurt my heart

So deeply I was

At a loss for words

I thought no no this

Isn’t right it can’t

Allan he’s just had a

New baby 2 months

Old. I say god please

Say it isn’t so please

Tell me they were mistaken?

But unfortunately  it was

True it’s one of the worse ordeals


Could face. is loosing

Somebody you knew or

Somebody you were close too!

April 2nd 2006

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