trap 9

It's July 3rd this hot, Los Angeles suburb Saturday and most people have the holiday weekend off. It looks like all the dark man's neighbors are home. Their cars are still in the driveways and parked on the street. The dark man fires up his laptop to check what's happening in the world. It's about noon, so he has his first beer beside him. Henry snoozes on the porch. The front door is open. "Oh, my God!" exclaims the dark man. Henry hears him, and lifts his head and perks his ears for more details. "Oh, my God!" the dark man exclaims again, then gets up from his PC and steps out onto the porch with his beer. Some of his neighbors are coming outside, too. "Have you seen the news?" one of his neighbors hollers from across the street. "Yes. replies the dark man. I wonder if we'll be hit." he yells back to the neighbor. "We might." responds the neighbor. 


More people have left their houses and are standing in their yards and sidewalks. Some are pacing in the street. Several of them have bottles of booze and beers. The dark man chugs what's left of the beer he has then goes into the house and brings out the five cans left of his six-pack. He walks to the curb followed by Henry. He introduces himself to some of the neighbors. They start chattering nervously like budgies in a Walmart cage. They are all drinking, now. Henry lies belly-down on a cool lawn. "This is different." he thinks to himself, then rests his jaw on his paws and closes his eyes. 


The dark man is now chasing a neighbor's whiskey down with his beer and is feeling fine. His neighbors seem to be fear-free too, at the moment, when they all look down the street and see the crazy hippy chick of the street pushing a clothes rack full of about twenty long, canary-yellow dresses towards them. "These were outside Macy's on display. she hollered. Check them out!" One of the neighbors handed her a coffee cup full of booze and said "join the party!"  "Thanks!" she replied.  "Anyone want to try on some dresses help yourself." A neighbor's wife walked to the rack and took one of the dresses off its hanger and pulled it over her head. "It fits good." she said, then watched as other women helped themselves to the dresses. jack, a neighbor from across the street feeling spry, grabbed one of the larger dresses from the rack and pulled it on over his clothes. "Does it make me look fat?" he asked, then let out a drunken "guffaw." Some of the other men pulled dresses on, then the dark man decided he would join in and pulled one on, too. Henry looked up at the dark man weaving slightly while standing on a lawn in a yellow dress. "I think i'll go for a walk." Henry thought to himself and discreetly began walking down the street. He could still hear the humans being loud and silly a block away. Three blocks away he couldn't hear them anymore. Henry saw the flash while sniffing a white, paper, bag held loosely by tall weeds in a vacant lot.

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