Amy and Ray

~Amy and Ray~


One day Ray noticed a large bubble had grown next to his left elbow. He showed it to his girlfriend, Amy. Amy touched it and said it felt like it was full of water. Ray touched it too, and agreed that it did. Then they went out for coffee. This was late April. 


After a couple of days, Ray and Amy noticed the bubble was much larger, and eventually his entire left arm was full of water. On May first the bubble had extended to his shoulders, then down to his chest, and by May twenty-third his entire body was a flesh-covered water balloon.


Ray and Amy knew what they must do, so after making love and eating a last meal, they made their way to the roof of their apartment building. Ray kissed Amy good-bye, then jumped off the roof. SPLAT! went Ray's water balloon body, and water soaked the sidewalk and trickled down the sidewalk cracks and after a few minutes the water dried up and Amy thought Ray was gone forever, but on or about June fifteenth, Ray stuck his new, yellow, head up through a crack and rejoined the world as a dandelion wearing a permanent smile, and Ray was delighted everything worked out just fine and looked forward to seeing Amy, again.

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