a soldiers farewell

Burning embers on an open fire,

Flames flicker then expire,

Cold frost bites hard outside,

Warm and cosy are we inside,

The embers flicker bright, dancing merrily in the night

outside it`s a cold bleak night,

Hold each other close to our hearts, tomorrow I will fight

Know one day that we will have to part,

For i must go far away to war,

I know i said i would never leave you I know i swore,

When we will part it will hurt so much

Marching bands mean i will have to go,

People come out to cheer as we will set of to fight,

But in my heart I will remember this wonderful night,

I thank you for making me your man

I Will write to you as often as i can,

I will always hold your picture close to my heart

All my army friends will be green with envy

They will, You will know because I would be

The army is the last place I would like to be,

Alone on a beach watching the sunset just you and me,

That is where I would rather be

But now i have to leave you alone tomorrow,

Hate to see you cry please try to hide your sorrow

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