A nest for you i became,
a home up in the trees,
a shelter in the leaves
Safe, away from the bees
A winding fortress of sticks,
where the roof was sky
and the floor we warmed
with our flurry of feathers
home sweet home it used to be
You were up above-
spreading your wings,
flipping and flapping
but you were not alone
Even then you needed a home
and so my heart became the nest
where you flew in to rest
A nest for you i became
I spread open my wings
to comfort you like a child
stroking and soothing your mind
watching you as you grew
even when i surely knew
that for a better home you would need
i became the eagle -
went farther to gather more food for us
Up above i went -
soaring high into the sky
o'er the oceans and trees
to gather for our future
to make my nest stronger
to make my nest warmer
not only for me, but for a better you
and with a sincere view
a nest i became for you
My words i recall, yet still i soar
to you had i whispered,
that my nest be kept clean
why the uproar? Disappointment!
made you the envy of beautiful birds
the ropes have become thin threads
they push my sojourn beyond the physical
i witness forgiveness in the spiritual
please keep my first words with you
and those that come anew
still i journey to become
Remember! Remember!!
A nest i became for you.