Dear Mister Hero

Dear mister Hero,

Here I am again

begging You to love me,

or just to hold my hand.

There's not much left to say -

I think my songs have said it all...

I just thought You should know

I want to sleep close to You.

Dear Miss Heroin,

Here I am

asking You not to beg

just to hold my hand.

I wish I could say more -

I hope the glazed look in my eye is enough

I want you to know

I want to sleep close to you, too...

Dear Mister Hero,

I try so hard to be

the epitome of what You saw

when You first talked to me.

I will try to be Your Hero,

though you love me as I am,

and I will always stress about it

when You hold my sweaty hand.

I notice all my flaws -

though it seems You never do -

which is Wonderful because

I can't see any in You.

you told me once

You loved me

and somehow I know the truth

is exactly what You say it is,

exactly what You do.

I trust You more than anyone

that I have ever loved

and I wanted You to know

I hope I'm Your last girlfriend, too...

Dear Mister Hero

here We are together

planning how to live our lives

as Husband and Wife


There is so much left to say,

but I think I'll wait for the future...


You already know how deeply

I am in love with You.

Dear Mrs. Hero

here We are indeed


I like to let it sink in

Husband and Wife


I couldn't have it better

The future is but an opportunity

To prove

the fathomless depth

of my Love for you

My Wife

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the Dear Mister Heros are written by me, the Dear Miss Heroin is written by the Hero. ^_^ enjoy

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