Why is everything so difficult?
Why is it so completely out of reach?
Why is it no one is ever happy unless someone else says they’re beautiful?
Why do we cry to get attention?
Why do we cut to feel pain?
Why do we laugh when it’s not even funny?
Why is it okay to lie about our happiness but a fib about anything else is a sin?
Why can we fake smiles to make others go away?
Why can we fake frowns to make others come near?
Why is everything so fucking complicated?
Why does love lead to passion and passion to hate?
Why does a kiss lead to sex and sex to a child?
Why does one little mistake ruin everything you’ve planned for?
Why are we always guessing?
Why are we always planning?
Why can’t we just sit back and take life as it comes instead of struggling to know everything twenty steps in advance?
Why do we envy those who are so much worse off?
Why do we want to be abnormal?
Why do we fight to be like everyone else?
Why do we sing along to songs we don’t understand?
Why do we write things that aren’t our own words?
Why do we collect valuable coins and look at them for years instead of using them for something practical?
Why are we trying to find the meaning of life?
Why are we trying to find the answer?
Why do we ask the questions?
Why do we ask the questions?