Your desire

Your shitty poetry and life make me feel

and all the cops play for a deal

they raped me again

masturbation to a clan mentality

porn is illegal in texas

they love playing the peasant

and all the gay authors

shit in their toddlers

so a little girls panties 

can make John Lemon happy

i like subtle annoying people

and Uncle Sam jacks off to corpses

the cia plays the victim

and the president is a mythical arrow

why does anyone give a shit about logic

why does my keyboard type something besides what I needed

why does the internet waste so much time

you played the cia victim for a place in line

sk some shitty woman could flip off tim

she took the food and ate like a fat hoe

yes she took all the phenfen

now she looks like a fat dinosaur

why did my rat file make more

the rat is a lie and the π was making a why

a d the cold mortar balance was corrupted by pi

his life was congruent with basic black bitches

the type that play games with the cia snitches

and all the fat people wanted more time

to engorge her breasts with the beat of a line

the cocaine was hot and mixed with the ethyr

the coldest bank trail was the home for the keeper

they made laughter and wisdom the code in the sky

and the weather was controlled by a dial on the sky

if we control the rain we can make some more pain

and the sorrow it brings will replace the new weigh

so don't talk to the girls about panties for God

ir the shit on your crack will call Pidgeon and Todd


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Niggers smell funny

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