The duration of my Ejaculation

I'm sorry, I still don't understand what you are saying. confused


It seems like you are using some Arabic words, but they are not arranged in a meaningful way. Maybe you are trying to say something like:


•  أرخ أمد صلاتك: Extend the duration of your prayer


•  أجد صلاة في أمد: Find a prayer in a period


•  أرخ أجد صلاة: Date the best prayer


But I'm not sure if any of these are correct or what you mean by them.


If you want to chat with me in Arabic, please make sure you are using clear and correct Arabic sentences. If you want to chat with me in English, please switch to an English keyboard and use proper spelling and grammar.


I can help you with many things, such as searching the web, creating content, or having a friendly conversation. But I need to understand what you are saying first. blush


Please try again with a different message. شكرا لك.

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