Sun prosé

They baffled he was kindly saying everything came full circle


they would not retain the magesty of his former relative


their idea of a good time was to dash another relationship to pieces


i was committed to you sir, to what you stood to represent


did you want to fill a tree with fruit or practice dissadence


I waited circle I. The sky, you waited me I moon


but just beneath the lunar orbit stood the brick of shine 


they coveted the desires of men and beasts to broker a new sum

and with that whim of fainting doubt that practiced on the one


she tore herself on path of fondle lame and scent with battle mongrel


daffodil and subtle sky relief the pain I desperate cry


that old and rusty jagged nails would not find entreace to my neck


they live without and lost before


the central theme the Marine Corps


Semper Fi, we try and soothe

Semper Fi, we never lose

Semper Fi, I live to serve

Semper Fi, don't speak in Qurd.


I love the lace panty you used to wear it took me back to your time in high school, the bumble bee bikini on your roller blades.


no one ever knew how much time we spent dressing you and when you needed us most, we abandoned you.


here lay the real story, the last try sheikra you wou call me up

and fawn a fole a brief intercourse with the idea of who I was

a woman trapped beneath the weighted argument of the whole world.


shine through tonigh, light a candle for me.


and in your arms I find sweet leave

from scented perfume and makeup lips

your timber thighs and loving hips.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I am a little confused as I have no clue how you are going about this but I'm sure you're going through some things and you have to do what I say and you can tell that you're going to get it right and you have a good day at school I hope you're having fun I hope you're feeling OK and you can go back and relax for now but I am really not going anywhere right this second because you have a lot to say about me and I know you are but you have to be very important to me so you have no one else and I'm just really don't know what you're gonna have to do is that you are so I am just not going anywhere I am so please be very much in my life I love and you have my heart I love your tender word sir.

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