

What am I?

No one wants me,

But everyone keeps me.

I'm at a lot of lonely parties,

I'm also with all the depressed drinkers.

I'm with the troubled,

I'm with the weak of heart.

I'm with those,

Who think they have nothing left.

I'm with those

Who?ve been through everything.

I'm with those,

Who think there?s nothing left to live for

I'm with those,

Who have no choices.

I'm with those

Who chose to just give up,

And let go.

Can you figure out?

Who am I?

What am I?

Why am I?

Where am I?

I'll tell you who I am,

But first tell me why you have me.

Are you one of the ones above?

If you are,

You have a choice,

You have options

You have something to live for,

You have a place to go

No matter how bad,

There is always something out there

Just for you.

I am pity.

No one wants pity from others,

But yet they hoard it to themselves,

Like a precious artifact,

They tell everyone,

What they've been through,

How hard their life's been,

Why they cant go on.

Why they have no choice

Why they HAVE to do drugs

Why they HAVE to drink

Why they HAVE to leave their families

All these excuses are just forms of pity

Self pity,

Friend's pity,

Family's pity,

It all comes from somewhere.

Where does yours start?

Who pities you?

Why do they pity you?

Do you pity yourself?

If you do,

Do yourself a favor,


And think of those who really have no choice.

For they wont see tomorrow,

They are already going down deaths short road.

Don't end up like them,

Make your mind up now!

Don't loose hope.

Don't let pity take control of your life.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was written because i was having one of those "pity me" days and a very wise friend told me, that i needed to get out of my little pity party and move on. There are better things in life than sitting around having people feel sorry for you.

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