North Star

Fictional Muses

What would you say

If I told you that I asked

My runes and my cards

That I asked the Universe

To show me my soul mate

And I saw your silhouette.

I tried to see more clearly

And took 3 steps in each direction.

West, East, South you faded.

But North the image was clearer,

Like lights in a fog, or a

Radio station coming into tune.

What would you say if

I dared to ever tell you

I asked the universe for love

And it led me straight to you?





You'd tell me it's wrong.

That you bring misery

That you want to die

To save people more loss.

That you're a zombie

And a freak, rather than

The delicate boy I see.

You'd tell me you're 

Worthless, and bad.

A Ne'er-do-well.

But those are His words

Branded into your back.

Beaten into your soul.  





I would tell you you're lovely.

Worth loving, and so kind.

That I want to kiss

And cuddle your marks

Until they fade from both

Memory and Flesh.

But I'd hate hate hate

To frighten you away

With unaccustomed touch.

By coming on too strong,

And being too physical.

So for now I'll just stay close

To where your image is clearest

Because you are more-than-worth 

Every second of waiting,

Every moment of wanting.

And most people never

Ever get to touch

The north star anyway.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

new relationship between a special someone and my Psychic. So cute. 

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