My abe's coca-cola

I remember the magical pathway from my room into my grandmother´s backyard. Every time you go through it there she was waiting, with a coke in her kitchen and a big smile on her face.  Oh that black drink with a red sticker on it, or the champion´s drink, as she likes to call it. There isn´t a time of the day where coca cola isn´t present in her kitchen, doesn´t matter if its 7 in the morning, a little venom is always welcome to start the day. If its mid day, a coke will make it great. And what better way to eat than being accompanied by this perfect drink. Whenever she sees you feeling down, she knows the perfect medicine, a bottle of coke is her only remedy. But this precious drink, made by gods is best used as an energy booster. Are you playing a sport, don´t forget your coke. But coke can never go alone, its best when you drink it with tennis, playing or watching. Yes if I need to imagine my Abe in a single image I think of her dressed as a tennis player, with a coke instead of a racquet cheering for Roger Federer and Serena Williams. I visited her every day, in part because I wanted her to share her precious drink with me, get a taste of that dark liquid that tastes like fluid gold. I learned to love tennis just as she loves it, shouting and getting emotive whenever that Swiss player proves once again he is the greatest of all time, or the GOAT, (not the animal). I would go at 4 am to watch the final that was played in Spain, England or sometimes even Australia, and what is better at keeping you awake that early than a really cold coke and Federer. Later on I knew that there would always be a coca cola for me (maybe she didn´t want to share hers anymore) in my Abe´s house. Today I understand everything she did for a good drink of coke, why she would scold us when we left it open, “It tastes like purge” she would always say. Now I am just like her, I watch tennis at all hours, drink coke and get replenished with it. I can´t imagine my life or my Abe´s life without that sacred drink, the champion´s beverage. Hi my name is Orlando Leal, and my grandmother and me are cokeaholics.

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