In the still of the night


In the still of the night, when the shadows creep low,  

I count all my exes like stars in a show.  

With too many hearts that I once called my own,  

Now I’m wrestling with bills that have overgrown.


They want more and more, like a thief in the night,  

Squeezing me dry, no end in sight.  

Like lemons for lemonade, they’re wringing me tight,  

Their demands keep piling, I’m losing the fight.


One kid needs books to learn and to grow,  

The other needs boots for the trails they will go.  

And my crazy third ex wants a pool for the kids,  

While I'm here just trying to keep up with their bids.


The kids need their breakfast, the rent’s overdue,  

And the weight on my shoulders feels heavier too.  

Searching for work like a cowboy in pain,  

Hoping for sunshine to break through the rain.


Each job that I chase slips right through my hands,  

Like a wild stallion that don’t understand.  

But I won’t back down, I’ll rise with the dawn,  

With grit and determination, I’ll keep pushing on.


So if you hear whispers of a job that’s out there,  

Tell ‘em I’m coming, I’ll be dressed to impress,  

With my heart on my sleeve and ambition to spare,  

Ready to work hard, I’ll conquer the stress.


In the still of the night, I’m dreaming so bright,  

Of a life that’s fulfilled, where everything’s right.  

So let the world hear me, as I sing out my plea,  

I just need a chance, and I’ll be all I can be!

Rolando Matias
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