Have you heard about this have you seen this
fascist jews religuous ethnicaly clamoring for more
uninhabitable fucking land
good luck in a super hot desert
what are you gonna do with all the salt
sit on it bare ass naked
3 ft piles
if we just had better control over our urges
which is about what religion is about in the first place
infinite bullshit
a lot of it just material
some of it maybe not
its certainly manipulateable
to whatever youre crazy fascist monkey brains come up with
mostly drugs and killing each other
im unable to maintain
without the suffering of warmer people
and some times it comes right up to your fucking door
like in israel and mexico for that matter
Id say advanced societys do a pretty shitty job of dealing with it for that matter
I mean I want people who believe in beauracraucy to run immigration courts
but that only incentivizes trafficking and shit like that
should have did a marshall plan for latin america instead of united fruit company and fucking sandinista and every other stupid pettty cold war foreign policy
should have done a lot of things
now the ships sinking
good luck to babies