I guess I'll finally tell you.
I guess it's time you knew.
You know, I really hate you.
I don't know what to do.
I've hated you for quite some time,
Much longer than you'd think.
I wish I'd never met you,
I wish I didn't blink.
I'm so depressed, my friends suggest that I'm obsessed, but I've expressed, I'm just distressed. I've been possessed, I must request that you confess, you're not the best, you've not been blessed. My pain's progressed, I just undress and lay to rest, watching Wild Wild West.
Now, I've been conned, you won't respond, I wish I had a magic wand, I want to meet a pretty blonde.
But, nobody cares about my state of affairs, and everyone swears that He'll answer my prayers, but, I can't find the stairs, I'm playin musical chairs, watchin Hollywood Squares, with all the millionaires, and now I'm gettin so scared.
-Lo Ruhamah