
It seems everyones lost without a soul, and i'm just watching this hell unfold, ever since my birth, I've regretted this place called Earth. Hearing what I do everyday, seeing how others portray. Judging what they don't know, scared of what's never been shown. Just because someone is different, it doesn't make them any less a person. Whether they're white, black, or blue. They're still like me or you. Whether they're straight, gay, or bi, they still have a heart inside. Oh! that guy is black without good clothes, he must be ghetto as fuck. Actually, no. You just like to judge. He's really a doctor who has saved many lives, and he traded his silk to help humble homeless guys. He's gained his pride, he's gained his rights, yet you still want to pick a fight. Look, here comes the gay, his very essence is a shame because the gender he loves is the same. He should of stayed in the closet, what he is is a sin, and I'm a Christian, I won't let this happen, as it's against my religion. Are you fucking serious? If you were so religious you wouldn't dismiss before you looked within. Just because he has a different way of livin doesn't make him a sin. God gave his life for everybody, not just you. You don't get the say to choose what's wrong or true. So what if he or she wants to marry him or her? To not let someone be themselves is torture. For people like you they need to find a cure, as you're the one with the issue who needs bitch tissues who cant handle something mature. I know I can, and I'm only 19. Everyone's the same, that's all i'm saying.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just something I wrote real quick in my CAC as I was bored at the time.

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