The Prison Within
I was visited by angels last night,
Their voices were so calm, so sweet,
They filled my heart, soul and room with
A brilliant radiant light.
They said someday in heaven we will meet,
That day won’t ever come, till I can
Honestly let go of the prison within,
And take charge of the life I want.
The prison within is so dark, so cold.
How can I take charge of a life,
a life of no meaning, no purpose.
What are these steel bars?
Bars of pain & hell.
I try to hear your cries and weeping.
This prison is safe, I love it here.
The love is a comfort that is always there,
A companion I hate to love.
They come in, they surround me,
They teach me to feel, and escape from
the prison within!
I’m free, I’m happy . . .
I was visited by angels last night,
And no dream can compare to the love
I felt when I escaped,
The Prison Within Me!!
Casper McConkie