I look at you--all broken
Not like the babe I bore.
My mother's love, a token,
So bent and battle sore.
How did I fail you, Darling?
My son, my life, my child?
I long to draw you closer,
But here am I--exiled!
Your pain is mine. I love you!
I grieve with every blow.
Your heart is crippled, bleeding,
Who else could better know?
Am I to blame when you fail?
Did I somehow forget
To teach you lessons needed?
I bear so much regret!
I'm lost for words to comfort.
There are none and I'm sure,
But God can reach where I can't
With help that's right and pure.
He knows you even better
Than the mom who cries at night.
And He can keep you safer,
Never lose you from His sight.
I've talked to him about this.
He listened as before.
I told Him that I love you.
It's you who shut the door.
I asked Him to watch over
He's seen the steps you've trod.
Today I'm letting go, Son.
I'm giving you to God.

Music: Easy
Author's Notes/Comments:
Sometimes it's all a mother can do.