No If's And's or But's


Subliminal messages

Reflect my hunger for sacred chocolate

Writhing to procure a false image of Justice

It’s just us

Doleful spirits of oppression

Stalked by Relationship’s


If only the betrayal of ill directed devotion

Was a balm for the soul

If you’d only came for more than to come

If I’d just come out from my white security

If ONLY their words

Were your succubus


And yes I’ve reached the sun after the rain

And under it my black heart cracks

And blisters with no you shade it

And I am lost…no blind love to follow behind

And you deserve someone better

Or maybe you weren’t worth the secularization

Of my temple


But I was too slow you too fast

So I shared realities eye opening kiss

But yours was sweeter

An offering of everything

But the truth

Nothing more than a hallow if only

But I know that

If love, were a dance

And you my partner

Or better yet my beat

This poem would be complete

But that’s just too perfect

It is after all just a cliché

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