
What are you afraid of?


In this time of freedom, you learned to shake the beads of sweat off  of your face,


Your mouth open, jumping, laughing, loving life.


You realized the liberty in knowing end.


The fear of mistakes?


Was gone. The choices were simple, No shame in being human. Even gawkers are human,  or they wouldn’t find it funny.  Be honest, now you can find it funny too.  What are you afraid of?




A crow should caw to the West of  me, and I should turn my face some evening.




In a day,


          in a moment,


through a glass of water,  perceptions  will change.




 In a year,


in a decade,  what does a road like mine lead to, even      


 with the most beautiful bridge?




If they aren’t making judgments, they should be.


They can not see the experiences I’ve seen, through this peace that I have found. How can they?


They don’t know the dynamite that’s been buried.


But I  am afraid you see, because I have asked myself,


Can a girl from the shadows of men with flames upon their sleeves, and fists that did not yield chrysanthemums


still recognize in silhouette that his fingers only rest on a stem?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

You can meditate and change your mind, your patterns, and attract the right people and change your entire life. But sometimes you stop and remember your past. It is truly terrifying to realize that you may be bringing that darkness into these new lives. You can never guaruntee that your perception will remain locked into this positive place. Looking into the eyes of the first gentle human in your life, the first person that has ever really loved you, you cannot simply subject them to this risk.