you're keeping meup

i can't sleep

buti can close my eyes

i try to dream

but your on my mind

talking to you

trips me up inside

screws with my head

puts my heart on hold

just can't wait another second

i think i'll go nuts

your makin this hard

your keeping me up

trying to sleep

tryin to stay still

listening to pink

Just like a pill

you got a lot goin for you

so why'd you pick me

of all thepeople

you're always meeting

i'm so doped up

some say i'm head over heels

just for you

but i know better

i know i've got control

over my emotions

i know i've got control

over my heart

dont want to trust you

kinda want you distant

but iwant you near

keepin me close

i'm blasting my music

trying to forget you exist

trying so hard to sleep

but you're keepin me up

your no on the phone

not online

you're just playing over

and over in my mind

2am and i can't sleep

this is all cause of you

your keeping me up

and you dont even know

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