Bo-bo, where did you go?
You left me here all alone
You made me cry so many times
But i love you, i really do
But sometimes i can't help but hate you
Why do you do this?
Cause everyone so much pain
Its getting old, really lame
Please just open your eyes
Look at your mistakes
Figure out where you went wrong
Its been going on, far to long
Open your heart to feelings outside
Learn to express, not just to hide
Peace is out there, and so is love
You gotta be willing, willing to open up
Cuz bo-bo i've had just about enough.
Its short and sweet, or if you make it so. your life will end quickly though, if you choose so. But please i ask just remember these things, from me to you. We'll love you always from now until forever...remeber that Bo-bo. I love you.