my conscious thoughts...
are they only a sieve
for anything to pass through?
every thought touching my innermost being
maybe yes...
separating wanted from unwanted
analyzing every part of the situation
then judging the residue
am I angry, do I forgive
don't ask why, just get out of it
change the subject
let it go, forget about it
maybe not...
thoughts are the closest thing to me
every thought is impossible to assimilate
I become solely a reactionary
undisciplined, no sense of self
unschooled in who I am
what I want, what I can do,
my productive self
my social self
my subconscious thoughts...
touch me when I sleep
they wake me up or let me sleep
they are rebellious, seldom kind
a twisted replay of the day
often insecurities and fears
the "id"--uncoordinated instinctual urges
creating danger flash points
that won't allow me to change
then the "super-ego" jumps in
criticizes me, judges me
demoting reality beyond my power to change
STOP--control your ego in the first place
"das Es," "das Ich," and "das Über-Ich"
"id," "ego," "super-ego"
"It," "I," "Over-I"
KNOW yourself
Think good thoughts
Stay alive, create, be productive
we over-value the external world
we receive impressions from it
that the mind processes
into uncontrolled distractions
maybe misrepresentations
that really make no difference
misunderstandings, judgments, criticisms
lies, slander, gossip, vicious rumor
cutting, offhand remarks
that do not touch me,
only my thoughts of them do
keep your thoughts YOURS