
My heart does not see, my eyes do not feel

Whom to believe unless it is real

To act or not to act

Action is the heart of the soul

My eyes do not see what my heart feels

My eyes see what my heart does not feel

Eudaimonia is a happiness and a detachment.

Who will fight tomorrow…?

Or reject, interfere, demean or criticize?

We just take the fatalistic blow.

The impossible comes from the possible,

What matters will show.

The unavoidable is what will be.

No ill judgment to harm,

No word to disarm,

Free from the woes of grief,

The sage is immune to the indiscreet—

The possession and exercise of virtue suffices,

The rest are slaves, damned to their own devices,

The ad-lib, lived.

Pienso de esto no recordar el pasado,

Sino saber el presente.

Saber los momentos del presente,

El alma vive.*

*I think about this not to remember the past,

But to know the present.

To know the moments of the present,

the soul lives.

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