Fears Puppet

When you are sure that everything is set to go just the way you want it to,

The fear deep inside you lets through all the bad things you fear most.

If i give in to the fear, and let it control me,

Do i then become the person i most hate?

The type of person who would give up in the face of all adversities,

Or do i go on, with what i have, and use what ive got to get what i want?

I dont want to give in, but the fear inside me controls what my decisions are.

To overcome the fear would mean overcoming all that controls me.

It is hard for the puppet to cut the strings,

When it is the strings that have taught him how to walk, where to walk, and when to walk.

If the fear in my life has brought me to a satsifactory point in my life,

Then maybe living by the fear isnt that bad.

Although the strings are short and the movement limited,

At least i know that i am always safe.

If the fear in me was to all of a sudden go,

Then would i be safe?

With no strings to support me, what is to keep me from falling from the stage?

Without the controls, does the puppet fall sullenly to the ground,

Lowering its head and cowering in its own shadow?

Or does it learn to walk, run, even fly?

Freeing itself from the strings of control,

Will the puppet still go on to entertain?

Or will the viewing public lose interest, and become upset, even offended?

Maybe it is the fear in us that keeps us from losing ourselves,

Becoming free radicals, with no controls, no boundaries.

With the fear, we have a sense of security,

Knowing in ourselves where we sit, what part of the stage belongs to us.

In some ways, i like my strings, i have grown accustomed to them.

I know exactly how long they are and how far they will take me if i pull them to the limit.

Maybe the only problem, is that the string which controls me head is faulty,

Not enabling my head to look up,

My eyes to see more than what is immediatley ahead.

If this string was to work properly,

Then would i see that all my strings have knots in them?

Shortening them to less than their full potential.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written some time ago.

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