
Her eyes lied to me,

They stayed open, and for a brief second,

I thought that she had just paused for a breath,

But she hadn't,

I missed the last second of her existence,

Because I was waiting for the next,

All that lay in front of me now was the body that she used to reside in,

But she was gone, her soul and spirit had left,

My cold tears did nothing for my aching hearts relief.

Her eyes, her beautiful eyes, still alive and glowing,

But she was missing from them,

I stroked her hair and kissed her cheek,

And watched my tears fall upon her face,

Like many of her own tears had done before.

How could I go on now, without her?

She was my reason for living and without her there for my support,

I knew not what to do,

So I sat, and I slumped,

And I cried until my body collapsed in a heap on the ground,

Tired, aching and lonely I stayed there stroking her hair,

Hoping for a miracle, hoping for her to gasp another breath,

And have her brought back to me by Gods will,

But it didn't happen.

I still think of her, not every second of every day,

But there is a thought inside of me for her always,

I know she is looking down upon me and smiling,

She knows the truth about me; some truths I don't even know myself.

And I find comfort in that,

I know that she understands how I felt about her now,

Some may say it is too late,

But if it helps me for now,

And for the future then it can't be that late,

I long for someone to touch me the way I touched her,

But I really don't think it will happen,

Maybe it will,

But it probably wont,

But that's ok, because I have her inside me still,

To warm my thoughts with our memories,

I miss her,

I love her,

But when I think of her I smile instead of sadden now,

Because I know she's up there – smiling.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written about a year after she died. I hadnt fully let go then, but i feel like i have now. Though i will always remember her.

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