I dream of a day when the world as a whole is at peace,
a time where people of all color can lead.
I dream of a day When the gun fire stops.
I dream of a day when the bombs do not not drop.
I dream of a day when the cops stop accusing.
I dream of a day when the parents stop abusing.
I dream of a day when murder is gone.
I dream of a day when rights are not wronged.
I dream of a day when the world keeps growing.
I dream of a day when people keep going.
I dream of a day when poverty is of the past.
I dream of a day when jobs come so fast.
I dream of a day when energy renews.
I dream of a day when money is no issue.
I dream of a day when race doesn't matter.
I dream of a day when religions aren't battered.
People ask why dream when no dream comes true?
I dream for the future, why not you?
Why is it that dreaming is a myth or a hoax?
Is dreaming a dream that one should not dream?
Though dreaming is an expression no one is denied,
Then why can't I dream what I'm feeling inside?
I look at today and all I can say, is I dream that tomorrow is not as today.