Alone in the dark

I stand alone in the dark and in the dark I belong.

The sun never shine and no one will be mine.

I stand alone in the dark without

light's warm spark. I have lost all hope,

so I use this tree and this rope, to cast me away

because no one wish me to stay

I have damned my self to eternal despair.

For id rather be now in the devils lair.

As the rope tightens and my breathing lightens.

Memories of my life recap in my mind and everything goes black

as if I am blind. I awake only to realize im trapped in my mind.

I stood alone in the dark waiting for light's warm spark.

I stood alone in the dark wanting someone to be mine.

I stood alone in the dark wanting someone to be kind, but

as I stood alone in the dark it corrupted my mind.

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