
Personal Poems

Lost in the shadows.

Lurking in the mist.

Under the surface.

Beneath the lie.

The truth.

The end.

The beginning.

The end to the life as I lived it.

The beginning of the life I should lead.


I don't know.

I never do.



Maybe today.

Then again maybe not.


I don't know.

The hidden.

Hiding their lives.



You think you know it.

But you are so far away.

I thought I knew it,

But I hide it from myself.

Why am I so fucking stupid?

To fucking dumb

So fucked up?

That’s what this life does.

The hidden.

Hiding their lives.



Cut away at the skin.

The shot in the dark.

The crippled man on the side.

Stands out in the rain.

Just to feel it sting his face.

Hides this from them all.

They never understand.

No one would ever share.

Likes to roam.

Drive to nowhere,

For nothing in particular.

Walks out into the autumn air.

Bites at his face,

As he inhales the night.

The sweet smell of the night.

The laves swirl around you,

As moonlight engulfs you.

Out in the night.

Simple delight.

But tired tonight.

Always tired.

Always lost.

Trying to find himself at night.

Trying to find,

His hidden life.

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