Personal Life To Live

Pre-2006 Poems


From friends.

From family.

But not from you.

Seen through it,

Never seen the fake me.

Only the one if always wanted to be.

No acting.

No bullshit.

My personal life,

Living how I want.

People don't understand.

And I try not to understand them.

Yet I think about it every day.

Why do they hate us so much?

What’s the big deal?

Just because it isn't in the bible,

Doesn’t mean we should die a miserable death.

Or even worse,

Stay away,

Hidden in life.

Even so much as what others take for granted.

It’s a great risk,

Too much of one for me to take the jump.

Afraid of reaction,

Of the whispers.

Of the comments.

I guess for now it’s my personal life to live.

And keep it hidden away from the light of others.

It’s a shame,

So much to offer,

Yet most remains under wraps.

Afraid for they would hate.

Afraid for they would hunt.

Afraid for they would kill.

It’s the life I haven't chosen to lead,

Yet the one I am forced to live.

I won’t falter to the lies,

Nor to the whispers,

But I’d like to avoid them at all costs.

Regardless of what they say,

It’s who I am,

It’s not a choice I once made,

It’s me and nothing else,

So if you don’t like it.

Fuck you.

I don't need you then,

I can live with that,

Can you?

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